Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Make. Bizarre. Images.

Yeah, ok, so seeing as I was a bit whiny and pathetic yesterday I thought I'd regale you with tales and images of the Make Magazine faire/Bazaar Bizarre that I attended over the weekend.

Weeeeee! It was great. I took Jess's class and she is even more fabulous in person than you would expect. She was friendly, charming and very funny in a quirky and endearing way. Hey - come to think of it - quirky and endearing just like her toys. The attendees (and only us - wow!) got a free pattern for George. She gave us all sorts of helpful tips. The most important to me, as I have been knitting for a while now, was to watch her attach the extra appendage to his head! I guess you had to be there...

You can see here that she felt a bit sad for George and his 'problem'...

In addition to being so happy to have taken her instruction is that this was my first experience meeting someone in person who I have known only through their blog. What an odd feeling to 'know' someone without knowing them. It is just lovely and makes you feel connected. I highly recommend it.

I went on to wander the geeky loveliness of the different displays and here are my favorites:

This FANTASTIC old station wagon was tricked out better than any other car I have ever seen. Those little red lanterns inside? They work. The 'wood grain' all along the sides and back are painstakingly hand painted to appear realistic except for...

...a few spooky little details. Heh.

...the 'how to make neon glass tubes' booth...

...yeah, graffiti research lab and your minions...

...Mutant Lucyfer...

And here are the spoils of my shopping experience at the Bazaar Bizarre posing with my breakfast the next morning. Could this entire post be more orangey? Might my color du jour be shifting away from greeny?

It couldn't be, could it?


Blogger Diz Rivera said...

COOL. I love the Lyle Hotel sign and the neon tubes. And of course the spelling "Lucyfer."

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you got to go!

7:24 PM  

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