more 'through the viewfinder'...
Also, go check out the cool Compound Word Project that Shari has put together and see if you can guess all of the words. Here is my contribution to the project...

About a week ago I went for my daily dose of dooce and happened upon this post wherein she describes a new (to me) technique that involves a very old camera (the Kodak Duaflex II) and a very new camera, in my case a DSLR (Nikon D50). I followed her links for more info and was totally sold.
I then went straight to eBay and was rapidly outbid (I wouldn't spend more than $25) on four separate duaflex cameras within two days. But someone was smiling down upon me because with a little crafty digging, one seller had a 'buy now' button for, um, SIX DOLLARS!! And then, it came in the mail yesterday, and
The quicky run down is, these Duaflex II have a large viewfinder on the top of the camera. You build a light blocking device (I used black construction paper and you can see some light seeping in above), tape to the old camera and shoot the image passing through it with the new camera. I left the image above uncropped because I liked the effect. Here is another image that shows how very excellent and grungy a toy this really is...
Believe it or not, I have left out a TON of details - Blanton Museum, Progress Coffee, Book People, private viewing of Andrew Long's work, the bead store, Whole Foods MEGAstore & headquarters, yummy shrimp boil dinner with ice cold Session beer - mostly just because it is time to get back in the groove with my life back at home.
Thank you for bearing with my verbosity as it relates to this one trip but thank you especially to my friends in Austin for making this such a memorable week of my life.
OK, sharing a margarita in a photobooth with one of your best girls in the Summer? Very high ranking moment. Austin is an EXCELLENT city for the photobooths. They are scattered about at assorted places (as above) but the main and most reliable source for vintage booths is Amy's Ice Cream all about town. Word is that they aren't always working at all of the locations (call first) but Amy is dedicated to her booths. Check their website - they even have their own photo gallery.
On to more Austin antics...I will do my best not to blather on too much and keep this to three parts but bear with me because there is so much goodness to tell of.
I have to publicly thank our dear friends for host/hostessing us in such a grand manner. They went above and beyond the call of duty by attempting to work half days, pick up a boat, grocery shop, shuttle around town, drag their LOVELY kidlets all over and stay up way past everyone's bed time to make certain that we had fun. And did we ever.
Lake Austin was so perfect and charming and has the most beautiful bridge...
We attempted to water ski, water tube, endlessly jumped in and out of the water, shared a little champagne and pulled the boat out of the water only to put it back in the next day and play all over again.
the kidlet trio - (can you see the love in her eyes? This girl LOVES that PB :)
...and beautiful Rebecca. I miss you so much already.
Austin Part 3 (the last) to come on Monday.
I believe Andrea is on vacation so here are some of the links I found to other fabulous photobooth Friday participants...go see for your self!
Now go have an excellent weekend one and all!
vintage shopping on South Congress
eating tacos and sopapillas at Chuy's (there may have been a margarita for the mamas involved at this point)
photobooth visits (again at Chuy's)
swimming at Deep Eddy (top to bottom: PB, Chloe :), Rebecca & Caden)
and live music at The Shady Grove (top to bottom: Matt, Me & PB, Texas sunset).
And, yes, that was just the first day. Phew. Check back tomorrow where will be visiting the lake and revisiting the photobooth (on Friday. Get it? Hee.)...