not quite done.

It is an odd sort of limbo, this week between holidays.

I leave the tree up, turn it on each morning and let it illuminate the house. The vintage outdoor lights twinkle across the porch until it is dark yet again and time to climb back in bed.

The anticipation of shiny wrapped boxes and the rituals so filled with loving promise have passed. There is much work to be done, many corners to clean, much list writing and resolution pondering yet I think I will still linger long in my pajamas,

nurse my warm mug of coffee deep into the days for just a bit longer while I enjoy the last of the sparkles.

How about you?
i believe that's what this week is meant to be. it's like a long deep breath...a pause between one year and the next. revel in it.
Yes you are so right. It is actually, for me, the best part of Christmas. The exepectations one holds for oneself...when the best part of it for me, is when i'm sitting in my chair with the glas of wine, some chocolates, counting snowflakes.... Bliss!
A Happy New Year to you and your son!
you're so right...
i'm in a sort of lethargic limbo - it's very pleasant, but also a bit guilt-inducing.
loving your little snowman - what a great photograph! thanks for the smiles :) :) :)
ummmm - I beg to differ (how many people read your comments?) I feel exactly like the snowman... blue blur in my background and a grimace trying to be a smile (but not succeeding)
love you though - and your photos are awesome and awe inspiring.
anyone who didn't buy your calendar won't be complete this year.
grumpy, confused, not sure what year it is
i always love this week, after christmas before the new year arrives, it's like everyone holds their collective breathe for a bit and then steps out into a brave new world... jammies! love!
it feels like I am in a weird transition.
not a bad place.
like you, i feel that there is so much yet i have to do. but here i am, using my last few minutes before bed time to read my favorite blogs, a fun luxury.
you have a lovely tree.
Now that I'm a teacher I get this week to defragment and relax, sort of. I still have to grade things and read things, of course! I hope you're enjoying your liminal week! <3
i could see not wanting to put away your decorations they are magical!
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