it's true. you blink...

...and they are all but grown.
how in the world are we about to celebrate his 16th Christmas?
how in the world are we 2 1/2 years from him leaving home?
how in the in the world, indeed.
and maybe I am feeling particularly melancholy and sappy today but can you see how the bushes behind him are vaguely heart-shaped and love-is-everywhere-ish?
mine is still in diapers and already i'm trying to prepare myself. perhaps that's why the camera is becoming another appendage these days. i know it will pass so quickly.
sister, i so get this. so, get this. sniff. xo
this is so sweet and he is so cute and a blink is right !!!
been there (she's home on semester break -- he lives a few villages away) -- and a blink, i don't know, if only it had felt that long, you know?
Oh me too. My eldest will be sixteen in a few weeks and I know I sound just like my mother, but I can't help but keep saying 'Where did my funny little dreamy toddler-boy go?"
(Not that he's not a funny dreamy teenage-boy, but you know ...)
oh les! I know I will blink and feel the same way about my little boy.
you have such a handsome young man on your hands.
Oh it is going so fast. Thank you for the reminder to cherish every moment.
And what a gorgeous guy!
what a handsome boy!
happy holidays to you and your lovely family!
Ooooo, heart tugging for sure!
But then, LOOK at this strapping young man!! Look at those eyes....wishing him a bright and exciting future.
wow leslie, look at those kind and curious eyes! such an accomplishment to have raised a kind man.
Aw, what a great kid. I love the sentiment in this post!
i agree there is a certain amount of heartbreak involved in motherhood. mine are nearly 4 and nearly 4 months and i too linger between happiness and heartache with each and every milestone.
uh huh ... mine turns 16 in july and i wonder how we got from chubby cheeked toes wiggle to this to close to a hug good-bye and yet my heart is full because i really like him a whole lot and i see our friendship growing. :-)
gulp, weep weep...i am right there with you...mine is 17, just sent in his college can it be?!!! i have a 2 year old as well, and now that I know, truly know, how fleeting my children's time with me is, I am enjoying my little one like I never knew to do before...
what a handsome and kind looking boy you have, bravo mama!
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