thrilled and humbled...
Welcome! Please say 'hello' if you are stopping in for the first time...or 'hey, baby' if you are one of my long timers...and please (most definitely) have one of the very best of weekends.
(and thank you, lovely A :)
As witnessed in these two long ago posts, my girl B and I have been going on our little girlfriendy mini adventures for quite a long time. It is always just the two of us.
Until this last Sunday...
We arrived on the top of our mountain, spread out some goodies and settled in for the usual sorting out of the ways of the world. And then we heard a man call out "Hello! Didn't want to startle you ladies but did you know that you are picnicking on a paragliding launch?" Um, not the typical way to start a conversation. Craig introduced himself and assured us that there was no need for us to move and proceeded to unfurl that glider right at our feet. Chit chat chit chat, exchange of business cards so we could get him these photos, a few more fascinating individuals arrived to watch and then,
he jumped off a cliff.
Part way through the slideshow below we all started yelling "woo hoo" and "yippee" and "um, BYE CRAIG!" right out into the sky.
I spent much of the weekend updating my professional photography website. With much encouragement and a tad of prompting the lean is now towards food first, places second and then my people. The third category still has some lovely surprises to come but I am so very pleased with the way it has all shaped up so far. Much more representative of where I want to go with my career. I am excited more than ever about the possibilities that are continuing to open to me.
As I believe that thoughts become things, this is what I have had on my mind...the future is ready to open out, burst wide open, teeming with incandescent adventures. So what do you say? You guys want to come along with me for the ride?
...apparently looks like this.
His first day of high school is today and this is the picture I took as we walked down the stairs and into a whole new phase of our lives.
I drove him and we chatted about choosing a locker, having a good attitude, how this was such an exciting fresh start. Made a quick kiss sound as he exited the car - no planting one on him for fear of other teenage eyes.
And I was just fine.
Until I pulled away and heard a commotion and saw what I guess was the spirit team in my rear view mirror. All running across the street to greet everyone coming to school. Wearing red and white, waving flags, blowing their whistles, weaving in and out of the crowd of kids entering the campus. I kept watching that rear view mirror as I felt it bubble up and out of me. Watched through great big giggling tears. Tears that are still coming as I type these words.
My, oh my, a new phase of our lives indeed, my beautiful funny inspirational crazy young man.
Trust. This has been my word for years and years. I remember to breathe deeply and recite it to myself. Good, bad, indifferent. There is always a bigger picture so I maintain faith and trust in myself and the Universe, remembering that all things are possible.
My sweet kitty is showing a little bit of improvement bit by bit. Please accept one more personal thank you from me. That each of your comments helped me restore a bit more of my trust is an understatement.
Good weekend to you all - remember to trust, breathe and to embrace the ones you love - furry or not :)
In the spirit of 'the more loving thoughts the better', we could use your help. This amazing boy is very ill - very suddenly - and may not make it. I will post updates when I have them. Until then, please hold us in your thoughts.
UPDATE - Sunday morning, 10:15 am...and my porch, complete with outdoor sink and shower...
and this was my view upon arrival...
6:10 pm Sunday.
and when I went to sleep with the double doors open all night to the sky...
10:21 pm Sunday.
and when I awoke for the first time, civilization blanketed with fog...
5:59 am Monday.
and awoke for the second time and took a cool shower out on this porch, open to the world still out there somewhere...
6:28 am Monday.
Although my house is a pinpoint in the middle of those second two photos (San Francisco just to the right of the frame, the wine country further to the left, the ocean behind me) I was lifted above it all and a million miles away in the most healing and restorative way.
And she was right...just what I needed.
Just wanted to pop in and say thank you so very much for all of your wonderful support on the new etsy shop. With the shop, the shoots and a whole bunch of other stuff, too, it has been a crazy whirlwind of tremendously hard satisfying work around here (you can even see some gray hair in this photo if you try!). But to be doing the work I am meant to do - the soul satisfying kind - and to have all of your voices shouting "yes!" and "go!" - wow. That smile on my face is real...
I wish you all a truly lovely weekend and one more great big thank you,