today is the fourth day of
the fourth month of this year.
today is also the four year anniversary of this blog.
and today is the day this blog says goodnight.
it is hard for me to fully express my gratitude but I will try…
thank you for leaving your words, each droplet of love and encouragement along the way.
thank you for bearing witness to my journey.
thank you so much for each of
spurred on by andrea’s lovely
‘posts that mean something to me’,
(an idea made even more perfect by the fact that this dear friend’s writing brilliance
and personal encouragement got me started blogging in the first place :)
i offer you two sets of four posts that mean something to me.
four on my lovely boys…
riley’s insidesriley’s outsidesa boy lostand a boy foundfour that mean much and do a pretty good job of summing me up…
11 things100 thingseverywhere but especiallyone more thank you___
will be a new blog along with
a new website soon (almost finished! watch this space for an update :)
though it will admittedly be less personal, less LeSophie.
perhaps check in now and then at my
flickr for that.
so i bid you adieu for now, my lovelies, and in the words of patty griffin…
“may you dream you are dreaming, in a warm soft bed
and may the voices inside you that fill you with dread
make the sound of thousands of angels instead
tonight where you might be laying your head.”
love and gratitude,