Ode to The Sun.

It has been nine years since I discovered The Sun magazine while sitting newborn vigil with my dear friend Rebecca in her living room. It sat innocuously on the side table...I picked it up, soon after subscribed and have not stopped going back to it since.
Decidedly left but even more decidedly human...more a friend than a magazine. There are a few b&w photos, no ads, and then just writing. Non-fiction, fiction, poetry, Readers Write...so very much.
Reading it over the years I have frowned, belly laughed, raised an eyebrow, hit my head against the wall, heaved a happy sigh and like last night while reading a poem in the January issue by Alison Luterman called 'Because Even The Word Obstacle is an Obstacle' just openly wept.
In other words, I love The Sun.
Buy it.
Read it.
Love it, too.