Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
we do things big around here.
The waterpolo player waits to enter the game, intent on what is happening on the other side the lane line, ready to play with those healthy strong hands.
Then a few days later (monday night), in practice, the teammate he is blocking throws the ball with full force and as his forearm comes down on top of Riley's hand, a burning searing pain. Coach asks him to wiggle his fingers, he can a little - first guess, everything is just fine. He climbs into my car and I see that contorted face and wonder. But he says "I think I'm ok - it hurts so bad but..." and we get home and ice it and decide to see what the morning will bring.
It doesn't look terrible at first light (tuesday morn) but it doesn't look right and I decide, "better safe than sorry" and we head to the doctor's office to find out. Seven crazy hours later we are home with a stack of paperwork and xrays and directions of when to return. I briefly wonder why in the heck we can't just have a simple break, a cast, some ice cream and some ibuprofen - instead we have a spiral fracture that requires surgery and general anesthesia. And then I remember that we do things big around here. Big and dramatic and so I try to take a deep breath and show my brave face while my nerves twitch and the corners of my eyes threaten to betray me.
He is able to go to school wednesday, let his teachers know, gain a bit of fame - I work through the day and try hard not to fret.
Then thursday arrives and we head to the hospital, check in, and wait - "just chillin, ma" says he, the brave face still on me
But when i find myself standing alone as they wheel him away and around the corner with a dopey, slightly drugged smile I can't hold on anymore. I find a corner in the hospital to cry and worry and breathe and take stock of things and then my phone starts ringing with all of our people and their love and concern. The time melts away in a jumble and then, suddenly, the doctor is there to explain how well this boy has done - that there are now three titanium screws in his hand and they let me go to him and watch him come out of the haze and smile and say "hi, mama" and "i feel so much better" and I smile back and think about how big this all feels and how small at the same time.
We come home to friend-brought goodies in the fridge and his first meal in almost 24 hours - huge and hearty - and we both sleep a long hard dreamless sleep and now it is friday
and I can hardly believe it all happened.
Thank you all for your concern and the bright light - it was felt deeply. Please have a lovely weekend, ours will be quiet and lazy and full of all sorts of gratitude.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
bright light.
please keep this boy (and his mama) in your thoughts today.
he has broken a bone badly enough in his hand that we are headed to the hospital for surgery in an hour or so.
although everything will be just fine, this is
for us and all your love and bright light will be happily lapped up.
(thank you and i'll get an update to you sometime in the next few days :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
the perfect day...
once upon a time there was a girl who believed that love was everywhere. on what was to be a very special day, she awoke, stretched real big with a squeak, peeked out the window and saw all the beauty just waiting.
of course, she needed sustenance before she stepped out to see what was in store for her...
she thought it wise to get dressed before embarking...
and while wandering through that great big golden city that she loved to her bones and soaking in all the clicks her camera could find, her hunger did eventually build back up again - they decided thai food was called for...
full - and quite happy, indeed - more wandering gazing and clicking commenced when right in front of her what did appear? happy happy nature doing it's thing...
and when she and her feet and her camera could take not one more step the wander took them back home again for a little libation...
the end.
I do hope each and every one of you has a weekend filled with adventure, joy, people you cherish and, of course, love.
It really is everywhere, you know.
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Vote for Barack Obama for the next President of the United States on November 4th, 2008.
That's it.
Oh, and maybe this too...
The time has finally come for our country to make this kind of difference in the world. With this man. Remember, voting is more than a right. It is your responsibility as an American. Your responsibility as a member of the International community. Your responsibility as a human being.
(this gorgeous photo by Damon Winter for the New York Times)
Monday, October 13, 2008
if you are on facebook...
Please click 'join my network' or 'LeSophie' in that little blue box in the right hand column because if you confirm that I do indeed author this blog and join my blog network over there it will make me very happy :)
That is all (for now)...
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
so, I gotta question...
See, last year I had calendars made for my nearest and dearest featuring my photography. The final product turned out well (if not a little too pixelated for my taste) but they cost me a BLOODY FORTUNE to have done. The time is here to create a new one and here's where I need your advice...
I am considering printing and assembling them myself this year. This is a big undertaking and after crunching all the numbers, it doesn't make a ton of sense unless I make a bunch of them. The image above is a collage of nine possible images that I am considering. Each month of the calendar will feature one photo. Is this something you might like to purchase for yourself (or your nearest and dearest) from my Etsy shop? Does $28 seem like a prohibitive number? I am thinking 80 lb. cover stock paper, 11 x17 sheets (upper half photo/lower half text), full color....
I am not asking for a final commitment, more of an "oh yes, mama, get these things up on your etsy site tooot sweeet" or "dude, that is way more than I am comfortable paying" or "um, EVERYONE makes a calendar" or "yes, I'll take four, please"...
Your true and valued opinion is humbly requested.