happy absentee.
I have dropped from the blog planet before but that usually happened when I was overwhelmed or harried or, yes, even sad. I am dropping back in from this most recent hiatus to tell you that this time it is because I am overwhelmed and busybee and, most importantly, happy.
When taking such a long break the list of things (or photos) I could share since we last spoke is a little too long to put together in this one post but I'll try to hit a few of the high points...cake, birthday celebrations, kite flying, horseback rides, photographic weekend workshops, home-baked chocolate croissants, pumpkin buying, home made dinners...you get the idea, right?
I think for a bit I will be more of a once-a-week blogger. Just this week alone is my sister's birthday (tomorrow), Halloween, and then we head out to Stinson Beach for the big birthday weekend with my best girls. I never thought I would be so excited to turn 40 (on saturday). Happiness because of so many things, so many people.
My birthday wish this year is hooray hooray and happy happy to you guys, too.